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VC-MP Clan Wars |
[LCK] vs [DK] 10-3
[LCK] vs [DK] 10-6
VC-MP Duels
Stoku vs Zelltrax 4-1
Stoku vs Lukinho 5-2
Stoku vs [MTX]Maycon 5-0
Stoku vs [DK]koko 15-0
GTA3:MTA Clan Wars
[LCK] vs SwaT 7-3
[LCK] vs [KPW] 5-0
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Another clan war with [DK] || Duel with [DK]koko |
Today we've played a next clan war with [DK] clan. We won 10-6...Not too good, but one player of [DK] clan had ping bigger than 600. Anyway. Below are more informations:
Clans: [LCK] vs [DK]
[LCK] players:
- Stoku
- Thug
[DK] players:
- koko
- badboy
Results: 10-6
Winner: [LCK]
Now I say something about my duel with [DK]koko. We played to 15 kills, but when there was 6-0 for me [DK]koko has left the game. That means I won by walk-over :(. |
Welcome Varcetti in [LCK]Team ! |
Varcetti has passed the trial :). Please welcome him warm in our team :D.
GL&HF Varcetti :yes:. |
Clan war: [LCK] vs [DK] |
Today we've played a clan war with [DK] clan. It was our 1st clan war in VC-MP ever, but we should have better results in our basic team. Below are more informations:
Clans: [LCK] vs [DK]
[LCK] players:
- Stoku
- m3dioN
[DK] players:
- koko
- badboy
Results: 10-3
Winner: [LCK]
* [LCK]Stoku slaps [DK]badboy for ping ~700.
Thanks to m3dioN for being on this clan war. |
Thug || New scripts(?) |
Today i have 2 new informations:
1: Thug is active again :).
2: I'm working on the new script for our clan, but Im not sure if it will be finished, cause i cant be arsed to done it :P.
I hope i'll be in scripting mood :).
Cheers! |
Our clan will not die that fast - funny duel with [DK]koko |
Today i've had a duel with [DK]koko. It was a fight "for the clan" like [DK]koko said. I wont that with finger in my ass :P.
Players: [DK]koko vs [LCK]Stoku
I round: I won
II round: [DK]koko won
III round to VI round: I won
Results: 5-1 for [LCK]Stoku
And below is funny log of our fight (I've cutted only commands and servers echo). Have fun while reading:lol:.
[DK]koko: you will fight or no?
>> [DK]koko( died
[DK]koko: fuck it
[LCK]Stoku: cheap
[DK]koko: the bug
>> [LCK]Stoku died
[DK]koko: 1:1
[DK]koko: man play for the clan?
[DK]koko: ok
[DK]koko: if i win you will make your clan off
[DK]koko: and join my clan
[LCK]Stoku: nope, cause you not win
[LCK]Stoku: come here fast, cause i have no time >_<
[DK]koko: and if you win i will make my clan off
[DK]koko: and join LCK
[DK]koko: ok?
[LCK]Stoku: i dont want member like you
[DK]koko: ok fucker
>> [DK]koko( died
[DK]koko: haha
[DK]koko: nice one
[LCK]Stoku: 2-1
[LCK]Stoku: thanks
[DK]koko: and it is lucky
[LCK]Stoku: no luck
[LCK]Stoku: just skill
>> [DK]koko( died
[LCK]Stoku: 3-1
>> [DK]koko( died
[LCK]Stoku: 4-1
[DK]koko: fukck u
>> [DK]koko( died
[DK]koko has left the Game.
[LCK]Stoku: 5-1
Ps. His clan is still active. No ballz to close it? |
New member - Vans |
We have a new clan member. His nick is Vans. He is very good player :).
Warm welcomes to Vans! |
[LCK] Clan server! |
We have a cool 24/7 clan server on VC-MP! Server is scripted by custom GUS 10(not 24/7). Why custom? Because there are some new commands.
Server IP: Port:
Custom commands:
!jail (for admin lvl10)
!unjail (for admin lvl10)
!dojo (list of dojos)
More commands comming soon :).
Server IP: Port:
Thanks to m3dioN for server.
Cheers! |
New recruit - Varcetti || Current team |
Our new VC-MP recriut is Varcetti. He is good jumper and I hope he'll stay in our clan for long time :).
Welcome Varcetti!
Good luck and have fun!
Our current VC-MP team is:
Recruit members [LCKr]:
* - unactive members
Thug - He'll back at 28.07.08
Basteek - He should be back at 01.08.08
Collins - He still havent a GTA:VC.
Our team is growing up :D! |
OMG! 1 year on VC:MP! |
I've just released that we played VC:MP for almost 1 year!
Our VC-MP clan played since 19.06.2007. We had ups and downs in the clan like all the other clans. We had lots of duels and wond all of them by us, the proud magnificent LCK!
Our VC-MP history:
19.06.2007 - VC-MP team opened.
21.06.2007 - New VC:MP recruits - PuXoR and Basteek
23.06.2007 - New VC:MP recruit - Collins
07.07.2007 - Collins and Basteek are now clan members, and PuXoR is kicked
19.06.2008 - New VC-MP member - little_man
26.06.2008 - New VC-MP member - ReeVe; little_man has left our team
02.07.2008 - New VC-MP Co-Leader - Thug aka Weed
17.07.2008 - New VC-MP member - m3dioN.
Sorry if I've lost some informations about joins. Sorry for the late news too. |
New member - m3dioN || Poll finished |
I have some good informations :).
m3dioN has joined our team. He have skills and potential :).
*warm welcomes m3dioN!*
I've finished our poll too, cause i think there will not be more votes :).
What do you think about new style and engine?
It's awesome!
43% [3 Votes]
Very good!
43% [3 Votes]
Its ok
14% [1 Vote]
Nothing special
0% [0 Votes]
It sucks!
0% [0 Votes]
Old style was better
0% [0 Votes]
It's the biggest update ever!! |
Yes, yes. It's the biggest update ever! I changed everything (not including some things).
My changelog:
1. Core changed to EF
2. New theme
3. New panels
4. New menu
5. New graphics
a ) Articles category
b ) Newses category
c ) Downloads category
d ) Gallery category
e ) Logo
f ) And more ;)
6. Forums are updated
7. Some mistakes in newses are fixed
8. Some mistakes in articles are fixed
9. Gallery is updated
A little tip:
To explore the site, click on category in navigation panel.
PS. The site isnt finished yet. It should be done before 10.07.2008.
Register, to get full access. It's free! |
VC:MP Members |
Leader:Stoku Zentrix
Members:Basteek* ReeVe m3dioN Sucre Vans Varcetti Collins*
Recruit members [LCKr]:- NonE -
GTA3:MTA Members
Leader:Stoku Zentrix*
Special members:Sucre* Chris Kanada* FeRRaRy*
Members:Mates SnooB Donty Erick Layzie* Astarot* Satan* Cookies* Ezekiel Shiny*
Recruit members [LCKr]:- NonE -
LC:MP Members
Special members:Sucre* ZentriX*
Members:Tommy* Zoniku*
Recruit members [LCKr]:- NonE -
>> Ex members <<
* - Unactive members
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