Special news
Posted by Stoku on February 22 2008 17:35:02
What is on GTA multiplayers scenes.

Multiplayer is now very old and outdated, but there are still a lot of players. Our server have 19th place in game-monitor.com game rank (inclding MTA:VC and MTA:SA RaceMod!). It's great place for this old multiplayer! This server have average 4 players.

MTA:GTA3 clans
SwaT - It's good team. SwaT is team where are playing friends from same city. They are playing everyday. Some members are unactive - DavouS and Kona.

[LCG] - Great and oldschool clan. I remember [LCG] as very good players. They was learned me MTA rules:) (Thanks guys for introduction to MTA). They are not active very much now. I see only PhiLLip. Sometimes other member - Jamal. Liberty City Gangsters are playing SA-MP too.

- Small clan where are kidds. They can't fight and they are medium drivers. This clan is playing MTA:VC too.

[PM] - I dont know what to say about this clan. About half year ago they was pathentic noobs and clan was died after about 5days, but now is much better. Now [PM] is opened again, but they are dont playing a lot too. I think theirs new member was left MTA after 1 day from my reason:). Poland Multiplayers ([PM]) are playing on VC-MP too. I want to declare a clan war with this clan as soon as its possible.

What can I say about VC-MP? Good and popular multiplayer. Much of players and important thing is this, VC-MP is still in development. The biggest minus is a lot of noobs on this multi and fucked sync. There is more important luck from skills:P

LC-MP its VC-MP for LC Mod. Scene is 100% dead. No servers (sometimes there is LCK server) and no players. I trying sometimes to reactivate this multiplayer by hosting server, but its hard.

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