New member - Erick || Todays playing || Special news
Posted by Stoku on July 05 2008 22:00:50
Erick has joined our GTA3:MTA team.

Warm welcomes to Erick!

I think this situation proved that our GTA3:MTA team isnt dead. I've took some screenies from todays game.
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Today played:
- kanada
- Chris
- Erick
- Stoku

Thanks guys for keeping this clan alive.

For dead multiplayer like GTA3:MTA 4players from one clan without "meeting" is much :).

########## Special newS ##########

I've wrote a special news about other clans. The list of clans is from last special news.

SwaT - I think the SwaT clan is dead. If im wrong, please post a comment.

[LCG] - This clan still works, but i think the situation in LCG isnt too good.

[LCPD] - Dead.

[PM] - I think they are playing sometimes. They have "meetings" (but i dont know why they call it like that). They are not playing on the official or other server than their clan server. IMHO this clan is dead for others.