Training? || Team reactivation - Succes! || Unofficial training || [LCK] Clan public server || Forums are refreshed
I have idea about little training on VC:MP, because we must fix our skills. Server be launched about 10mins before training.
17.02 20:00 - Poland
17.02 1:00PM - Chicago
17.02 10:00PM - Filadelfia
18.02 1:30AM - Adelaide - Australia
Please post comments here what do you think about this idea. If your country isnt on dates list, please leave comment.
***Team reactivation***
Team reactivation - Succes!
Now we have 3 active members in VC:MP team.
List of active members:
- Stoku - Jumper and glitcher
- Zentrix - Jumper and glitcher
- Basteek - Jumper (now he is learning glitch)
- Collins - He must find GTA-VC CD's. Now im waiting for message from Collins if he is still playing on VC:MP.
***Unofficial training***
Today i spent some hours on learning Basteek how to play with glitch style. I hope he can learn it, but he must spend hours on training.
***[LCK] Clan public server***
Now we have clan server 24/7.
More informations:
Skins: 4
Location: Prawn Island
Game mode: DM
Scripts: GUS 10(not 24/7)
Administrators: Stoku(lvl10), Zentrix(lvl10) and Basteek(lvl10).
If you be banned without reason post on forums.
***Forums are refreshed***
What can I say? I was moved some posts to archive, added some forums...Just check it out;).
BTW. I made some screenies from GTA-LCS. Click here [HOT]!!!